
Showing posts from February, 2020

Gist / Synopsis on 'An Enemy of the People'

Summary: Dr. Stockmann has discovered that the new baths built in his town are infected with a deadly disease and instructs the town to repair or close the baths. The Mayor, brother of doctor does not believe the report and refuses to close the baths as it will cause financial ruin of the town. The doctor takes the matter to the people, but the Mayor tactfully intervens and makes the people believe that the doctor has wested interest. In a public meeting the Mayor declares that his brother is an enemy of the people. The doctor changes his mind of leaving the town and decides to fight the beaurucrats as he believes " The strongest Man in the world is he who stands alone!''

Scene at Editorial office in 'An enemy of the people'

The editorial office of the 'People's Messenger' newspaper has an entrance door on the left-hand side of the back wall, towards the right hand side there is another door with glass panels through which the printing room is visible.There is another door on the right hand wall. In the middle of the room is a large table which is laid with papers, books and newspapers. There is a window to the left before it is a desk and a stool. There are few easy chairs . The room is clustered, the furniture's are old and in bad condition. The Compositors are working and a Printer is working a handpress. Hovstad is sitting at the desk, writing. Billing arives from the right with Dr. Stockmann's manuscript in hand.

Stage settings of MSND.

Stage settings Stage settings is very important for a play. It usually revolves around the moment and feelings of the characters. The settings goes hand in hand with the plot of the play. The play starts in the palace and then slowly shifts towards the two different parts of the wood. The settings keep changing with the characters. Settings make the story live and interesting to the audience.

Theme of MSND

Theme of Mid Summer Nights Dream. The theme of the play is Love. Shakespeare has beautifully portrayed how people fall in love with those who appear beautiful to them. It is said that Love is Blind and that holds true to this play. Love when rejected leads to various consequences and can lead to jealousy. This has been blended perfectly by Shakespeare through the characters of the play. The comedy of errors arising through the love pairs makes the play humourous. All that begins well ends well. The play too ends in a happy note.

Significance of the title ' The Rising of the Moon'

Significance of the title: The rising of the moon is a one- act play written by Lady Gregory. This play deals with the Irish uprising against the British. The rising of the moon symbolises Peace and that is what the struggle is about. On a moon lit night the man not only escapes but also arouses the patriotic feeling that had been suppressed for years in the mind of the Sergeant. The man escapes in a boat but only after thanking the sergeant and also promises to return back with vigour to free his motherland. The rising of the feeling in the Sergeant on a moonlit night and also purity of the moon symbolises the struggle for peace. Hence the title is apt.

Character of ragged man from ' The Rising of the Moon'

Character of Ragged Man. The ragged man in the play is a true patriot who wants to see his country Ireland free from British oppression. He has heroic qualities. He introduces himself as a ballad singer and tries to bring about transformation in the sergeant through patriotic ballads. He is so natural in his disguise that the sergeant can't recognise his true form. The man succeds in arousing the patriotic feeling in the mind of the Sergeant. The man thereby escapes from being imprisoned again but he is greatful to the Seargeat  and promises him of his return to free his motherland from the enemy. This brings about the optimistic quality and also show his true love towards his country.