Expansion of idea

Time and Tide waits for none.

     Time is important in our life it can never wait or come back to us. It's just like the tide which rise and fall in the sea. It doesn't seek anyone's permission to do its activity.
     Time moves very fast and hence we should make the maximum use of its availability. Days change to week's, weeks to months and months to years. They do not wait for us. There is no point in grumbling after its loss. We should learn to value time. The story of grasshopper who enjoyed all through out summer dancing and enjoying nature didn't collect food for the rainy season and when rains came there was no food. The poor hopper had to face starvation and it died.
      Don't be like the grasshopper. Work and be ready . Students should prepare for their exams well in advance which will help them to do well. Remember ' Time is Money' therefore use it wisely.


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