Unit 2.4 Have you earned your tomorrow

 2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow


(A1) Discuss with your friend how she/he spent the whole day that was beneficial for others.

(a) I helped the old woman to cross the road.

(b) I helped the rikshaw puller to pull the rikshaw on ascending path.

(c) I offered water from my water bottle to a beggar.

(A2) (i) ....'was it well or sorely spent'? Explain the meaning and give illustrations.

Ans: The poet asks the readers whether they made their day well by working for others or they spent it by neglecting others.

(ii) 'As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,

You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?'

Elaborate the idea expressed in these lines.

Ans : The poet advises readers that they should work for the others to their lives. If you work to improve the life human being, your life will be improved. If you are selfless, simple and kind to the world, god will offer you one more tomorrow.

(iii) The poet suggests that one should do good to others. Complete the table by giving examples of doing good to following people.

Family members                                Friends                                        Neighbours

lend helping hand                            cheerful greetings                            good relation

obeying & respecting                        help in need                                        selfless service

(A3) (i) Pick out the describing words from the poem and add a noun of your own. One is done for you.

        Toiling time                                                                                         time

        Careful                                                                                                 smile

        Selfish                                                                                                     man

        Mighty                                                                                                     tower

        Single                                                                                                     book

        Fading                                                                                                     leaves

        Grateful                                                                                                 work

        Churlish                                                                                                 behaviour

        Simple                                                                                                     task

(ii) Match the words given in column A with their meaning in column B.

    Column A                                                            Column B

    Cheerful                                                With the feeling of disappointment

    Selfish                                                    Lack of satisfaction

    Sorely                                                        Happy

    Discontent                                            Concerned with one’s pleasure

Ans: (1) Cheerful - c) happy

          (2) Selfish - (d) concerned with one’s own pleasure

          (3) Sorely - (a) with the feeling of disappointment

          (4) Discontent -  (b) lack of satisfaction

 (iii) There are a few examples of homonyms in the poem. For example 'spoke'.

List homonyms from the poem and give their meanings.





(iv) Find out expressions / phrases which denote, 'going away', from each stanza. One is given below.

"Vanish in the throng" ; parting with the days ; slipping fast; fading away ; spent

(A4) (i) The poet has used different poetic devices like Alliteration and Interrogation in the poem. Identify them and pick out the lines.

    Poetic Device                                        Lines

(1) Alliteration                                (1) Toiling time , sorely spent

(2) Interrogation                            (2)Is anybody happier because you passed his way?

                                                        Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?

(ii) The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is 'aabb'. Find the rhyme scheme of other stanzas.

Second Stanza : abab                Third Stanza : abab                Fourth Stanza : abab

A5.(iii) Write a set of 8 to 10 interview questions to be asked to a social worker. Takev the help of the following points

*chilhood, education, service, difficulties, future plans, achievements, message

Hello & a warm welcome. Today I am honoured to interview Shri Mahesh Jaykar, who has been nominated for the Baba Amte Social Service award. Maheshji has been involved in the service for underpriviliged children since 2 decades. His school the 'Sarva Jyoti' has produced well educated professionals from the adivasi tribal belt. Welcome sir to our show.

1. As a child what was your ambition?

2. How was your education?

3. What made you choose social service when you could have got a good job?

4. How did you overcome the difficulties in this field?

5. Now that you are so experienced in this  field what are your future plans?

6. How do you manage for the funds to run your school?

7. Can you share some achievements of your students?

8. What are your expectations from the government?

9. People who wish to help you ,how can they contribute?

10. Any message you would like to share with the society?

Thank you for joining us and enlighting all of us.

iv) Poem on 'Good Deeds'

Do good, Be good.

what you give comes back in return.

Good memories and deeds are always cherished'

Do you agree?

Then wake up & change yourself,

Act immediately as life is too short.

For unwanted thoughts.


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