SYJC Paper Pattern.


Std. Xll
Activity Sheet Format 
(80 Marks)

Subject — Compulsory English

Class - Xll

SECTION 1 : Prose

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping)

Q. I A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (Seen extract from Section No. I consisting of 275-300 words)

A I ) Global understanding 02

A2) Complex factual 02

A3) Inference/Interpretation/AnaIysis 02

A4) Personal response 02

AS) Language study 02

A6) Vocabulary 02

B) Language Study (Non - textual Grammar)

B I ) Do as directed / Transformation of Sentence 03

B2) Spot the error 01

Q. 2 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below:
(Unseen extract consisting of 275-300 words)

A I ) Global understanding 02

A2) Complex factual 02

A3) Inference/Interpretation/Analysis 02

A4) Personal response 02

AS) Language study 02

A6) Vocabulary 02

B) Summary Writing: (03)

Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points/hints.

C) Mind Mapping: (03) 

Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop on the given topic.



Q.3 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below:

(Seen extract from a poem ofabout of 10— 15 lines)

Al ) Global understanding 02

A2) Inference/Interpretative/Analysis 02

A3) Personal Response 02

A4) Poetic Device 02

AS) Creativity (compose 2-4 lines) 02


Read the extract and write as per the instructions:

(Seen extract of 10— 15 lines from another poem, not asked in Q.3 A)



Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below:

A. Drafting Virtual Messages/ Statement of Purpose/Group Discussion (04)

B. Email/Report Writing/lnterview (04)

C. Speech/Compering/Expansion of Ideas (04)

D. Review/Blog/Appeal (04)



Q.5 (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions: (04)

I . Activities on History of English Novel 02

2. Activities on History of English Novel 02

(Activities to be framed on MCQ/Match the columns/Chronological order/Fill in the Blanks/True False/Elements ofNovel OR any other novel activity)

(Activities should not be repeated in the sub-questions)

(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 A should be framed on textbook content no. 4.1)

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04)

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/

1.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss 02

2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/JustiW/Find/Identify 02

(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 B should be framed on textbook content
no. 4.2)

(C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04)

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/

I.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss 02

2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify 02

(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 C should be framed on textbook content
no. 4.3)

(D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04)

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/

l.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss 02

2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify 02

(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 D should be framed on textbook content
no. 4.4)

Note/instructions for paper setters:
Q. I to Q.4 are purely activity based questions.
Grammar activities should be functional (in activity format) and not in a plain
instruction based type.
In case of mind mapping — the model answer will be just for reference and cannot
be treated as exact.
Activities should not be repeated by any means throughout the activity sheet.
Varieties/Novel activities are expected throughout the activity sheet.

Sec V — Q.5 B, C, D are purely memory based questions. Though varieties of
options are mentioned at each place, similar format should not be repeated
throughout Section V.
English / 4


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